The Trouble with Lab Reports

Reviewing laboratory reports and analyzing the data for compliance can be a time consuming and often tedious task. And when dealing with multiple State rules, different limits, different units, dozens of samples, and scores of compounds – it can be way too easy to make a mistake. SELECT AEL is a program designed to help by automating the process and letting your computer do the work for you.

SELECT AEL, developed by Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. (AEL), does the evaluating and charting of the laboratory data for you and allows you to do in minutes what literally could take you hours or days to do manually. All you need is our SELECT AEL, MS-Access, MS-Excel, and our custom EDD.

What’s in a Name?

The name SELECT AEL is not just a marketing gimmick – it actually represents what the software does for you. “SELECT” stands for Specific Electronic Limits Evaluation & Charting Tool.

Specific Electronic Limits: SELECT AEL allows you to choose which regulatory limits the system uses. It is not locked into an all or nothing list, or to a single set at a time. You can choose to compare your data to the Florida groundwater, natural attenuation, freshwater, marine surface water, or groundwater low yield limits – or any combination of those sets. For soils, you can choose from residential and/or commercial limits; and leachability for groundwater, freshwater, and/or marine water.

Evaluation: Having a hit doesn’t mean you had an exceedance – and evaluating results to tell the difference is one of the most critical and time consuming portions of using lab data. SELECT AEL does this evaluation for you – electronically comparing your analytical results against the regulatory limits that YOU selected. Everything is done via EDDs (Electronic Data Deliverable), so there is no chance of transcription errors, unit converstions, or even simply looking at the wrong compound in the 62-777.

Charting Tool: The real chance for errors is virtually eliminated by having SELECT AEL chart the data into MS-Excel for you. No re-typing, or hand-editing it to send to Admin Support to have it retyped so you can then review again. The system allows you to tell SELECT AEL what you want charted and how you want it charted. Do you want to see every analyte, or just the ones that had hits, or just the ones that had an exceedance? Do you want to have exceedences of groundwater limits highlighted in Bold? Italic? Underlined? Or colored Red? The options are yours to choose, or you can just use the defaults.

Benzo(a)pyrene Conversion Tables

Which samples need it? When do you use half the MDL? Soil PAHs have become a bit more of a burden since the FDEP started requiring the Benzo(a)pyrene Conversion Tables. With SELECT AEL, you just open your project EDD and at the click of a button, you can generate one table or 100 in less than a minute. SELECT AEL does all of the calculations for you and the printed forms look identical to the State version. You can print directly from SELECT AEL or open them in MS-Word.

Petroleum Analytical Summary Forms

SELECT AEL also generates customizable tables for your Petroleum Analytical Summary reports, enabling you to simply cut and paste results into your historical report sample point by sample point. No more typing in every single result, trying to match units, or forgetting to type in a “U” for undetected analytes. SELECT AEL saves you time and helps eliminate mistakes.